A qualitative method to analyse the information gathered during the design research phase and to identify similarities between all your findings. Similarities could be in patterns of behaviours, habits, actions and decisions.
Combine the findings you have gathered into usable insights. It helps you to define ‘rules’ for your future solution by looking for insights which can be translated into recommendations.
Design phase:
1. Gather all the information collected during the research phase and translate it into pieces of paper (or post-its) with quotes, visuals, photo’s, ideas, short pieces of text, etc. The pattern finding can be done in a physical setting, by spreading everything out on a wall or a big table. You can also use online tools such as Miro to collect and rearrange your insights.
2. Start by clustering similar findings, and give each cluster a title. Findings are the facts as they were observed and cannot tell us why a person is acting in a certain way. Findings are, for example: “all the women interviewed own a smartphone” and “some women find challenging to work and take care of the house duties” You can cluster them using different methods:
3. Review your work and create insights within the themes, so they tell a story on their own. An insight is a discovery about human behavior, and the underlying motivations behind that behavior. In order to create insights:
4. Document the insights in both a visual and descriptive way. You can take photos of the grouping and write a short paragraph that describes the main insights you discovered.
The insights you gathered can be presented to all the stakeholders of the project and based on these insights you can formulate recommendations or characteristics that guide the ideation phase.
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