A detailed description and visualization of your user(s) or other important stakeholders, represented by a fictional but realistic person.
It helps to create an in-depth understanding of the target group, to better understand their perspective and their attitude towards the design challenge. It also provides insights on how to engage and communicate with them.
Design phase:
1. Collect all the data collected through user interviews and mapping activities, based in these insights you can identify who represents your user group. It is also possible to select several people and create more personas
2. Take someone in mind, a semi-fictional person that represents the entire target group: A man, a woman or both? Living in the city or in a rural area?
3 Visualise the person. Create your Persona. You can draw, use images from magazines or internet, etc.
4. Use the worksheet and start with writing up the basics, creating a biography for this person. Also write their user story, how do they think and act in relation to the problem you are trying to solve. Then describe the life of this person, personality characteristics. Add more details such as objects and persons that are important for him/her.
Use the insights when ideating and prototyping potential solutions, make sure that they are in line with the characteristics of your user group.
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Share with us your experiences and filled out worksheets.
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