A matrix framework to evaluate ideas based on their impact and likelihood to succeed.
After you have generated many ideas, this tool helps to select the most impactful and feasible ideas for your solution. It is very helpful for prioritisation and joint decision-making.
Design phase:
1. Prepare a matrix with two criteria on the different axes. You can use the worksheet or copy the examples on a big sheet of paper. You could also create new axis labels if there are other characteristics that are important in your project.
2. Use the ideas that have been generated in a previous step, for example in a brainstorm session using a mindmap or the lottery game. Review the ideas, preferably with a small group and place each ideas on the field by evaluating them according to the 2 axes.
3. Based on the position of all of the ideas, you can select the ‘bright stars’ to focus on in the design of the project. Bright stars are the ideas that are positioned most positively in the matrix as most likely to succeed and most impactful.
4. Reflect on the ‘Bright Stars’ and decide which ideas you want to take further and see if there are ideas that can be combined. If you are in a group that is divided, you can use a voting system: give everyone 2 or 3 stickers and ask them to place each sticker on their favorite bright stars. Another way to decide is to have one final vote (from the decision-maker) that is informed by the other votes of the group.
The selected bright stars are the ideas that should be developed further by visualising them in a user journey or a prototype.
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