A simple structure to help you to reflect on a user’s behaviour and words. It’s a way to discover the thoughts and emotions that shape what people say and do. The tool looks at what the user said and did to determine what they thought and felt. It is based on careful observations which could be done through interviews.
To create a deeper connection with the users which enables you to develop a deeper understanding of a problem or a situation. The tool guides you to better understand people's perspectives by gaining insights into their behaviour, motivations, needs and perceptions.
Design phase:
1. Select the user group you need to understand in order to solve your design challenge. This can be the end user or another stakeholder who has a crucial role in the problem and the solution.
2. Collect information from representatives of this user group. This can be done by reviewing your notes, pictures, audio, and video from your research/fieldwork. If you don’t have any information, you can first do an interview with one or more representatives of the user group.
3. Start to fill the four quadrants of the worksheet. Start with the 2 most objective frames on the left (says and does).
Then move on to the thoughts and feelings which require more interpretation, the 2 frames on the right.
4. Review the sheet and discuss it with your team members to validate your insights. It can also be very valuable to present the sheet to a representative of the user group and see if they feel they are well represented.
Use sticky notes to keep the information you write down short and concise. This also makes it easy to move or change the information. It also helps to make small drawings for the insights, not only words.
This tool allows you to create an overview of how people are experiencing a specific problem, product or situation. It can be beneficial in better defining your design challenge, in deeper understanding your users or in better understanding how your users perceive your prototype or the idea you are pitching.
We would like to know how you experience how you used our tools.
Share with us your experiences and filled out worksheets.
Email us at: toolkit@butterflyworks.org